About us

Who We Are?

Volomagis is an outsourcing company that provides virtual assistant services for different processes. We believe that only doing wise things is not enough in today’s world of competition. If you want to get ahead of others, you must recognize how to leverage your existing services and manpower.

With years of experience, we have come to know that we are heading in the right direction. And, the credit goes to all the team members we have on-board. Everyone is diligent and believes that the sky is the limit for innovation and productivity. In a matter of some years, many have made sure that nothing can fall apart if they act in unity and exemplifies what is called effective and efficient teamwork.

Team leader talk with employees

Vision and Mission

When you consider next-gen IT services, what comes to your mind? Innovation, Perfection and Expertise!, Volomagis all one clubbed into one. The word volo means ‘Wish’ and magis means ‘More’ in Latin. This suggests that as a company, we wish to deliver more to our clients for all the endeavours.

The world is developing by combining human intelligence and artificial intelligence. It gives us immense pleasure to offer satisfying IT services to all our clients under this sector. The entire professional relationship will be a great one as assured from the first day itself.

Volomagis is the brainchild of multiple promoters who have decades of experience. Working with the startups and medium-scale business has given momentum to the IT services. We know that there are several challenges a company has to face. Volomagis helps to bridge the gap between problems and overcoming them to receive qualified resources. We have a monthly arrangement, so clients do not have to worry about anything.

With a young and agile team, Volomagis is dedicated to serving at any hour. Professional and advanced technicians, along with developers, will be available throughout the day.

Picture shows the concentration on work